The article analyzes the wind directions and speeds typical for compact and linear cities over 5 years using the example of Stavropol and Volgograd, respectively. The results of the analysis allowed us to state that the wind direction and speed can be considered as random variables. Based on this approach, the regularities of the repeatability of wind speeds depending on the direction and time of day are investigated.
Keywords: linear city, cities of compact configuration, wind speed and direction, wind rose, distribution laws, atmospheric air, climatic parameters, Weibull's law, logarithmically normal law, mixed Gaussian distribution
The article deals with the distribution of air flow velocities for cities of compact configuration on the example of the city of Stavropol. The verification of the implementation of Weibull's law for different wind flow velocities in its various directions has been carried out.
Keywords: wind flow direction and velocity, atmospheric air, distribution law, Weibull's law, mixed Gaussian distribution, change in air flow velocities, time of day, compact city
Within the framework of the urban environment, the laws of distribution of the concentration of fine dust PM2.5, PM10 along road sections have been obtained. These data are necessary to assess the probability of exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations and to improve monitoring and control systems for atmospheric air. The analysis of the key factors influencing the content of PM2.5 and PM10 particles in the air of the territories adjacent to the roads has been carried out. Regression equations for total dust, PM2.5 and PM10 dust were obtained, allowing us to conclude that the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 depends on total dust. The analysis showed that the mass content of PM10 in total dust pollution ranges from 73 to 81%, and the concentration of fine dust PM2.5 varies within two narrow ranges of about 11.6 and about 7 microns. A study of the proportion of PM2.5 of the total concentration showed that it is on average about 20%.
Keywords: dust, emissions, concentration, atmospheric air, roadway, climate, linear city, correlation coefficient, influencing factors
The article considers examples of atmospheric air monitoring in linear and compact cities. The issues of atmospheric air pollution are considered, examples of components of pollutants coming from stationary and mobile sources are given. The analysis of the monitoring system of cities with different urban planning is carried out.
Keywords: linear city, compact city, highway, pollution, monitoring, monitoring posts, motor transport, gas pollution, exhaust gases
Noise pollution of the air is considered to be an excess of the natural level of the background noise or a sharp fluctuation and change in such sound characteristics as the frequency of the sound wave and the strength of the sound stream. The article considers noise levels in the mainline territories in a linear city.
Keywords: linear city, traffic noise, highways, air environment, landscaping, equivalent noise level, row of planting, arboretum composition
The article considers the concentration dependence of dust particles PM2.5 and PM10 on a curb stone on a number of influencing parameters. According to the data of field measurements, a quadratic regression equation was compiled, according to which the factors that have the greatest influence on the spread of fine dust near the roadway were determined. The results of mathematical processing of experimental data are presented in the form of a graph of the confidence area of the observed and predicted values constructed using the STATISTICA software product.
Keywords: PM10, PM2.5, fine dust, roadway, linear city, concentration dependence
The forecast of fine dust pollution, the organization of monitoring and quality control of the air environment are relevant for cities with a developed transport infrastructure. The article checks the application of the distribution law for the concentration of fine dust PM2.5 and PM10 for highways of urban, district and local significance, the sample size was 50 values.
Keywords: linear city, distribution law, fine dust, roads, mixed gaussian distribution
The article considers the directions and speeds of the air flow characteristic of the linear city of Volgograd. Weibull's law was tested for various wind speeds in various wind directions characteristic of Volgograd.
Keywords: climate, linear city, wind speed, wind direction, distribution law, distribution law, Weibull law, logarithmically normal law, impurity transport
The article deals with the distribution of fine dust in the atmospheric air of roadside areas of cities with a linear configuration, factors affecting its concentration in the roadside area.
Keywords: fine dust, roadside areas, road transport, wind speed, meteorological parameters
The article raises an urgent problem for large cities - the fight against the negative consequences of road transport. The importance of urban planning measures to reduce the accumulation of emissions, as well as green spaces to reduce the concentration of dust content of harmful substances in urban areas is considered. The data of CO concentration near the mainline territories in 95 studied points were analyzed.
Keywords: road transport, dust, gas-protected green areas, leaves, green spaces
The article considers the content of dust particles in the filter of the split system of a residential building and in the air of an air-conditioned room, the material is taken, as well as its analysis for the content of fine dust.
Keywords: fine dust, residential air conditioning system, bacteria, integral distribution functions, "dissection"method
The article considers the main sources of urban air pollution. The growth dynamics of vehicles in the city of Volgograd is shown. The law of the distribution of the concentration of carbon monoxide for a different category of roads (urban, regional and local values), both for the measured and calculated concentration of CO, is derived. It is shown that the concentration of CO on the curb of the roadway of different categories of highways is characterized by a mixed Gaussian distribution.
Keywords: carbon monoxide, category of highways, city significance, regional significance, local significance, main sources of pollution, primary areas, mixed Gaussian distribution, field studies, density function
The article considers a number of the most significant factors affecting the dispersion of pollutants in the air. The influence of meteorological conditions on the dispersion of pollutants in the atmospheric air by various methods of calculating the dispersion is considered.
Keywords: linear city, noise, vehicles, main roads, road categories, noise control